It's been a long time since I've updated this blog. A lot has happened since March (my last post). For one, I have a ONE YEAR old (almost 13 month old now). Ava's growing so fast! She's walking more and more every few days. She took her first steps at 11 months, but still isn't exclusively walking- she prefers to hold on to a finger or two. Today she walked from the kitchen to her room and even though we have a fairly small house, that's a huge feat for her! She loves her baby dolls, snoopy, books, our 2 backyard chickens, eating, drinking from her sippy cup and bottle (haven't had the heart to wean yet), playing patty cake, hanging upside down from my arms, and countless other things. Her 7th tooth is finally poking through and her hair is finally starting to get long (still not long enough for a bow, though).
Jason will be starting the new school year in August teaching 6th math at a new school. He's excited for the new experience and I'm thrilled for him!
I'm one size away from my goal weight/size (and Jason's lost 40+ pds)!! I've been slacking a bit lately, and haven't set a date for my goal, but I'm confident I'll get there. My last blog post was about starting the couch to 5k running program and it definitely works. I STRONGLY recommend it to ANYONE. I started off not being able to run for more than a minute (or not wanting to run for any longer, maybe I could have, maybe not), and my longest run with no walking has been 2 1/2 miles. I did my first 5k the beginning of June, but didn't do as I had planned. I was sick the week of and was off my running schedule before that (excuses, excuses), but I was happy to finish! I've also started teaching a Zumba fitness class at my church (started May 16). Such a great time that I look forward to each week.
That about covers a Barthalow family update :)