It's December 26 and Christmas is OVER. The much anticipated "Baby's First Christmas" was very memorable and full of family time. We started Christmas eve with breakfast with my mom, sister, and nephew at our house. I made our family favorite/tradition- breakfast casserole. After breakfast, while I was cleaning up, my sister shouted, "Ava just crawled to me!!" She finally CRAWLED! She's been army crawling and rocking back and forth for a few weeks, so I knew it would be any day and she would be completely mobile. Very special moment:) And Christmas Eve is also Jason's birthday (he turned 30!) so it was a special present for him!
After hanging out a little longer, Jason, Ava and I headed over to his grandparents house for the B family Christmas with all the cousins (well, most of them). We ate BBQ and Jason's fried turkey and had a great time. The house was full of kids (including 3 babies) and family we only see once or twice a year. That evening was the Christmas Eve candlelight service at our church. It's the second year the church has done it and I love it! Definitely a tradition I hope to continue.
After the service we headed over to Jason's parents house to open presents with his sister and her family (brother's family will be in town in a couple of days). I'm so anal about Ava's bed time so I was worried how she would act (since we arrived to open presents at her bed time) but she did great and got some toys she already loves.
Christmas morning was just the 3 of us. Ava opened her presents, then took a nap while Jason and I prepared to make Christmas lunch for my mom, sister, and nephew. He fried another turkey and I made/prepared all the sides (mashed red potatoes & gravy, green bean casserole, stuffed mushrooms, stuffing, rolls, [canned] cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie made the night before). [Later that night as I was warming up leftovers for dinner, I found the corn that I never warmed up, ha!] We all hung out for most of the afternoon after opening presents. Afterwards, my sister and Zachary headed home to Alabama and today my mom headed to the airport to go back to work.
Christmas late afternoon we went back to Jason's grandparents house to see some of Ma Ma's family, then up to his parents house to spend some time with his other grandmother and cousin. Ava entertained all of us with her new skills and showed off yet another new one, PULLING UP! She's been pulling up to her knees in her crib and toy basket, but she picked Christmas to go all the way! She held on tight, and even tried to pull herself to the other side of the basket she was holding onto, feet off the floor and all! Things are happening WAY too fast! My barely 7 month old baby is getting so big! We decided it was definitely time to adjust her crib mattress to the lowest setting, so Jason and his dad did just that. No more pulling up in her crib (for now).
Christmas night, after we put Ava to bed, we cleaned up a little, watched Elf, and went to bed early (well, early for me). I love days when I go to bed exhausted because I always feel satisfied and accomplished.
Ava's memorable moments didn't stop on Christmas. Today, she sat herself all the way up ALL by herself. She's been sitting sideways from the crawling position, but today she finally got on her backside and stayed there for a quite a while ;)
I'm so thankful for my amazing family and the memorable Christmas we had. I planned on taking down the Christmas decorations tonight, but after doing some laundry and picking up all of Ava's new toys, I lost my motivation! It will get done soon.
Now picture time...
Ava and Clarice, Christmas Eve |
With her cousin, Zachary, and Rudolph |
Birthday cake I iced and semi-decorated in my bathroom so it would be a surprise. |
Christmas Eve |
With Mrs. Betty after the candlelight service. |
Ava got a new cell phone! |
Happy girl Christmas morning! |
Love the look she's giving her new piggy bank. |
At the table for Christmas lunch... she tried some "chicken with chicken gravy" but didn't like it. |
So sweet- looking at Pa Pa. |
Getting there... |
Big girl! |
And trying to pull herself IN the basket! |
Got in the position ALL by herself! |
Talking to my dad and stepmom on skype. |
She loves her new toy! |