Wednesday, December 15, 2010

{semi} wordless Wednesday

Ava has a new habit of backing herself under the couch or ottoman and it's hilarious!  (btw, there aren't any toys on the floor with her because we were waiting for the awesome Annabelle from Annabella Charles Photography to come take pictures of my gorgeous girl... had to have a clean/picked-up house!  BUT, I did have one of her favorites on the floor with her- the remote con

UNRELATED:  Yesterday, I was so grateful for a fellow blogger, Kerri from Oh Mann!, because she gave me a step-by-step on how to include a badge on my post.  I need more help... what is the best way to reply to a comment someone posts?  I added "reply to comment" last night, but I'm not sure if the commenter (word?) gets notified of my reply.  Does anyone know if they do?  If not, how should I reply.  This baby blogger is very grateful for any advice:) 

Semi Wordless Wednesday Hosted by Flip Flops and Pearls


  1. Too cute! She is a DOLL! Keller loves the remote too.. We finally had to take the batteries out of one so she could play with it without interrupting tv time! lol!

    As far as the reply, I think that goes to their email.. Not 100% though.. I'm kinda new to this community thing! =) Have a great day!

  2. To reply to a comment by email, you'll need to change your settings in blogger. Go to the "settings" tab in your dashboard then find the "comment" tab. Scroll down and you'll find a place to insert your email and it'll email comments to you and then you'll be able to reply to most. Some comments will have "no-reply" blogger accounts and you won't be able to but it WILL work for most!

    Email if you need more help!

    That's cracking me up that she gets under stuff. GG never did that!

