I started the Couch to 5K running plan today. I'm not exactly starting from the couch, but it felt like it! This week will be running 60 sec. and walking 90 for a total of 20 min (not including warm-up and cool-down). Those 60 seconds, however many times I did it (8 or 9), is probably the most I've ever ran. And today was not a desirable running day (46 degrees and cloudy outside) but I bundled Ava up and off we went.
She has turned into the best walking buddy! Several months ago when I'd go walking at Shelby Farms I would end up carrying her because she hated being in the stroller so much. It definitely didn't provide incentive for me to go walking (and the weather wasn't exactly consistently walker friendly either), but now she can go 30 minutes without a peep! I've always loved walking and I'm so glad I can finally share that with Ava.
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