Monday, March 28, 2011


Yesterday's sermon at church was about Gratitude.  I love sermon's that are simple enough to stick with you through the week and that get you thinking.  Thanking God for all that I have is definitely not a foreign concept.  I try my best to do that all through the year (not just Thanksgiving!) because I really do have SO many blessings all because of Him.  It's hard not to want more things (a bigger house, newer car, expensive clothes), so I love the times that bring me back to reality and show me all the amazing things in my life.  I have an incredible husband who supports me and loves me like crazy.  He was a God send.  I have the most incredible 10 month baby girl who has been a blessing to both of us (we're afraid to have another one because what are the chances of having TWO perfect babies?! lol).  Those are the two biggest ones... I have so many more though.  "Every blessing You pour out, I'll turn back to praise," (lyrics from Blessed be Your Name) is what I try to do with every blessing.  Realizing that it's nothing we have done or could ever do, but simply because He loves us, is all that matters. 

The most recent blessing I'm thrilled about happened yesterday.  I've been dreaming about having a personal trainer for a while.  Dream is the operative word here because I knew that it wasn't gonna happen ($$$)!.  Yesterday, I attended a Zumbathon (Zumba is another blessing) benefitting the American Heart Association.  $10 to Zumba with 7 instructors for 1 1/2 hours.  Everyone received a ticket (two tickets if you wore red, and I didn't have ONE read shirt appropriate for Zumba in my closet, so no red for me) for several give aways.  I told the girl sitting next to me that I probably wouldn't win anything since I only had one ticket and 98% of the rest of the women had 2.  One of the prizes was 4 30-minute personal training sessions with a trainer from Well Worx.  My number didn't get called and of course I was bummed.  A few drawings later, the instructor prefaced the prize with something like "this is the best one,"... 30 day free membership to Well Worx, 6 1-hour personal training sessions, and 2 1-hour massages.  WOW!  And I won!!  Such a HUGE blessing that I'm extremely grateful for.  I can't wait to started.

I don't expect to receive everything I dream of, but isn't it amazing how God hears our desires (even the non-spiritual ones) and blesses us.  How incredible!  

1 comment:

  1. Sweet post! Sometimes when I'm having a bad day being grateful is the only thing that sets me straight! I'm also a new Zumba-er, and I love it! That's fantastic about your trainer!
